
How Our Deposit Fees Work

Deposit fees are set to zero.

In new future projects, if we do have a deposit fee, the deposit fees that we gather from the farms/pools will be used for:

  • 1.5 % Dividend Pools (Stake FATFIRE, Earn USDC.e)

  • 0.5% Added to Treasury for future development

  • 2% Dev Fees for

    • Partnerships/marketing

    • Buybacks

    • Developer fees

By collecting these fees, we will be able to further grow FATFIRE Finance and provide a better experience for you.

  • To incentivize more liquidity on our SWIFT LP farms, as there are 0% deposit there.

  • Reduce selling pressure on the SWIFT token, as the fees brings it out of circulation.

Single FATFIRE Staking Fee on Future Projects A 1% deposit fee will be collected for our future FATFIRE projects on non-native pools. The native FATFIRE pool will remain on zero fees.

Emission Fees 10% of emissions will go to our fees address. This comes from rewards emitted and not from your staked tokens. - These emission fees will be used for dev fees, exchange listings & partnerships with other farms where we may be required to give out an amount of FATFIRE tokens.

Will the devs sell FATFIRE? No, this project is for the community to stake and make money for as long as its viable to do so. This is not a money making dev project, there's no hard rug or soft rug. It's a project to give money to the community. How do we make money? With this project, we don't. We have other projects where we make enough so doing this for the community is exactly that, for the community.

Last updated